
Hamm, Germany - Since 1975

Population of :

  • 178,000 people

Latitude of Hamm:

  • 51.6803300 (51° 40' 49" N)

Longitude of Hamm:

  • 34.8089 (7° 49' 15" E)

Altitude of Hamm:

  • 66 m 

Time in Hamm: UTC/GMT +1hour

About Hamm

Hamm (häm), city, North Rhine–Westphalia, W Germany, is located on the Lippe River, in the Ruhr district. The city contains iron and steel foundries and manufactures textiles and machinery, as well as wire and cable. Founded in 1226, Hamm was the capital of the county of Mark until 1809. An active member of the Hanseatic League, it passed to Cleves in the 14th century and later (1614) to Brandenburg. The city was badly damaged in World War II, in a bombing that destroyed over half of the buildings.


Did you Know?

The name Hamm means "corner" in the old Low German dialect spoken at that time. The name derives from the description of Hamm's location in the corner of the Lippe River and the narrow Ahse affluent, where it was founded on Ash Wednesday in March 1226 by Count Adolf I of the Mark. In 1350, the Black Death killed nearly all of the citizens in the city. Only seven families survived.